Unitil Solar Field – Kingston, NH
COMPLETED: Summer 2024

R.S Audley performed the sitework for a new 30 acre solar field in Kingston, NH.

Manchester – Hooksett, NH – Maintenance and Preservation work on 5 Bridges

This project consisted of preservation improvements on four I93 SB bridges and one bridge that spans I93 NB & SB in Manchester and Hooksett.

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport NH – Runway Incursion Mitigation, Green Drive & Cargo Apron, & Cargo Distribution Facility 

R.S. Audley worked on 3 separate projects the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. The first project which was completed in the Fall of 2023 involved reconstruction and re-alignment of Taxiways H & K to fix non-compliant taxiway geometry at the airport. This Runway Incursion Mitigation (RIM) project addressed the last “hot spot” at the airport bringing all of there facilities into compliance with FAA standards.

The second project constructed the sitework associated with a new cargo distribution facility for Amazon and was also completed in the fall of 2023.

The third project reconstructed Green Drive and constructed a new cargo apron for the new distribution facility and Taxiway C to connect the distribution facility to Taxiway A. This project involved significant drainage improvements including underground storage systems and a 20,000 gallon oil/water separator tank. It also involved a new snowmelter system with all associated infrastructure. This project was completed in 2024.

Manchester, NH – Manchester Anti-Terrorism Force Protection – ANTICIPATED COMPLETION: Spring 2023

This project involved sitework to upgrade the Manchester Readiness Center site to improve compliance with Federal Anti-Terrorism force protection measures. Work included site grading and paving, water intrusion control, stormwater management, new fence, parking lots, and site lighting.

Merrimack, NH – Industrial Development – ANTICIPATED COMPLETION: Fall 2023

This site work project involved ledge removal, pad prep, parking/road work, stormwater system, sewer, and water associated with developing a 323,750 +/- SF Industrial Building.

Bow, NH – Granite State Industrial Center – ANTICIPATED COMPLETION: Fall 2023

RS Audley performed the sitework for the new Granite State Industrial Center in Bow, NH. Work involves roadway construction and building pad prep including stormwater, water, and sewer infrastructure.

Goffstown, NH – Greggs Substation Rebuild

Working as a sub-contractor to Ciambro, RS Audley performed the site work for the Greggs Falls Substation Rebuild in Goffstown, NH.

Seabrook, NH – Seabrook Seawall Repair – ANTICIPATED COMPLETION: Spring 2023

This project involved select demolition of existing appurtenances and installing new steel sheet pile bulkhead/cap outboard of the existing bulkhead. Internal steel wale and tieback extensions were installed to tie into the existing tieback system.

Dunbarton, NH – Countryside Estates Subdivision – Completed in 2022

This project developed the old Countryside Golf Course into the Countryside Estates Subdivision.

Loudon-Canterbury, NH – Route 106 Widening

This project widened 3.5-mile segment of Route 106 to improve highway safety and mobility.

Hooksett, NH – I-93 Median Barrier 

This project involved removing and upgrading the deficient median guardrail with concrete barrier along I-93 in Hooksett between the toll plaza and the I-293 split.

Bow, NH – NH Route 3A & Dunklee Road Intersection & Dunklee Road Bridge Rehabilitation
BID AMOUNT: $1,836,463.00 – ANTICIPATED COMPLETION: Summer 2021

This project will widen Route 3A and reconstruct the intersection with Dunklee Road. The project also realigns Dunklee Road and replaces the Dunklee Road bridge over Bow Bog Brook.

Derry/Londonderry, NH – I-93 Exit 4 Interchange

This project constructed 6 bridges, widened 5 miles of interstate, reconstructed 5 interstate ramps, and re-aligned NH Route 102 and Pillsbury Street.

Roxbury/Sullivan, NH – Reconstruction of Route 9
BID AMOUNT: $13,451,513.85  – COMPLETED FALL 2019

This project reconstructs 2.1 miles of NH Route 9 and replaces the NH Route 9 bridge over Otter Brook. This job will also construct major slope treatments along Route 9 and Bridge Rehabilitation work on the Centre Street Bridge over Otter Brook.

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport – Reconfiguration of TW P & U
BID AMOUNT: $9,604,198.50  COMPLETED FALL 2019

This project reconfigures Taxiways ‘P’ and ‘U’ along with the removal of Taxiway ‘A1’. Included in the scope of work is excavation, embankment-in-place, removal of pipes and structures, drainage installation, subbase course construction, basecourse construction, HMA paving, airfield lighting and signage, utility relocations, pavement markings, pavement grooving, and construction of a 14,000 SF retaining wall.

Windham/Derry, NH I-93 Widening/Reconstruction
BID AMOUNT: $49,419,914.55 – COMPLETED: SPRING 2019

This project involves widening and reconstructing 8 miles of highway and 4 bridges between Exit 3 and Kendall Pond Road on I-93 in Windham/Derry, NH. This project also includes a soundwall and pedestrian box culvert beneath the interstate.

Get In Touch

R.S. Audley, Inc.

1113 Route 3A
Bow, NH 03304

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